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Andrew Liu's headshot

Hi, I'm Andrew!

I recently graduated with a Master of Science in Computer Science from Northeastern. I also completed my Bachelor of Science in Computer Science with a software concentration from Northeastern in 2023. I deeply value diversity and inclusion in tech, and would like to work on making it a more accepting space for all people.


July 2022 - January 2023

Software Development Co-op, Desktop Metal

Creating a machine learning model with PyTorch to enhance metal 3D printing capabilities.

July - December 2021

Software Engineer Co-op, Verisk (AIR Worldwide)

Developed and enhanced analytic reporting components from UX wireframes, designed a serverless REST API with AWS and database integration for the Cyber Risk Navigator application.

May 2021 - August 2022

Geospatial Web Developer, Davey Resource Group

Developed new features for the TreeKeeper Canopy web application, created custom websites for clients, and maintained servers and databases.



Created a MERN stack web app with six distinctive screens - login/register, home, profile, search/results, details - using an internal RESTful Node.js Express API and the external Google Books API. The internal API connects to a MongoDB database which allows users create an account and login session. The Google Books API is used to search a book, which then allows a user to create their own book lists and write book reviews which will be saved in the MongoDB database using the internal API.
GitHub linkGo to live site ↗

2D Animator

Created a MVC architecture shape animator application that builds simple 2D animations from shapes using Swing by reading textual descriptions of the animation. This application can produce multiples views: textual, visual, SVG, and editing. The textual view logs its output to the console. The visual view draws and plays the animation in a window. the SVG view saves the animation as a SVG file. The editing view essentially adds features to the visual view such as playback control, editing keyframes, looping, and changing the speed.

Distributed Key-Value Database

Built a distributed, replicated key-value datastore using a simplified version of the Raft consensus protocol.


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